Step into the magical world of Super Mario Bros Movie with the 2.5" Magikoopa Kamek figure! This officially licensed collectible brings the beloved character to life with its highly detailed design. Standing at 2.5 inches tall, this figure is perfect for displaying or adding to your Super Mario Bros collection. Crafted with care and made with high-quality materials, the Magikoopa Kamek figure captures the essence of the character. Complete your Super Mario Bros Movie collection with this must-have figure.
Brand: Nintendo+Illumination Jakks Pacific
Product Name: Super Mario Bros Movie 2.5" Magikoopa Kamek
Officially licensed Super Mario Bros Movie merchandise
Features Magikoopa Kamek character from the movie
Size: 2.5 inches
Highly detailed and collectible figure
Made with high-quality materials
Manufacturer: Jakks Pacific